Can we help make you a better Pilot?

We have a variety of courses below to improve skills and airmanship.

Single Pilot Resource Management

Price: £125

Next Date: 22nd March 2025

The General Aviation Resource Management course is designed for pilots of all levels to improve their skills, increase their capacity and gain confidence.

The course has been designed by current Commercial Airline Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers and Human Factor trainers.

Our half day course is classroom based with interactive exercises and discussions on a variety of different topics including human factors, decision making, leadership and general airmanship.

Garmin G1000 (IFR or VFR)


The Garmin G1000 is becoming is a staple of modern flying for however many pilots are unaware of the complete functions available and how to manage failures.

Our course will help you to make the most out of the Garmin G1000 so using it will become almost second nature and therefore increase your capacity and situational awareness whilst flying.

The course includes:

  • 2 Hours in our Diamond Simulator (of which 1 hour is hands-on briefing using the G1000)

  • For an extra £320 you can spend an hour in our Diamond DA40 with an Instructor.

To book please call our friendly operations team on 01483 363 078 or email


The purpose of any courses, presentation, simulator session and/or any associated handouts is to provide guidance only. It should be viewed in conjunction with appropriate approved publications. This guidance does not replace any official or more detailed information contained in applicable operations manuals, rules of the air, Pilot’s Operating Handbooks, EASA or UK CAA publications etc.

Where any conflict arises between our guidance and the contents of official publications, then the information contained in the official publications takes precedence. The Pilot in Command is ultimately responsible for the safe conduct of flight.