The Winter is coming!
The days are gradually getting shorter, and the temperature is steadily dropping. Late Autumn and Winter can be a particularly beautiful time to fly, showcasing breathtaking views, but there are some important additional considerations that come with this seasonal change.
We asked our instructors about the biggest risks for winter general aviation flying.
This is what they said!
Inadvertent IMC
Aircraft Start up issues
Carb Icing
Runway Closures / change in conditions
Winter Low Sun + Dirty windows = Bad visibility!
Potential Carbon Monoxide issues with heaters running
What can you do to prepare?
Review the CAA Safety Sense leaflet’s below.
Review your Meteorology Theory and understand the weather forecasts.
Consider any different procedures in your aircraft POH for adverse conditions.
Have a plan B!
What resources are available for you to use at SEMET?
De-Icing Sprayers
Ice Brushes and Scrapers
Met Office Weather data
Windscreen cleaning spray and wipes
Experienced Pilots. If in doubt ask!
You can also download the latest Safety Sense leaflet’s and find an informative video produced by the UK CAA below!
G-CMFF Sat in the cold at Blackbushe!