Why use the SEMET Simulator?
By Lisa
Have you ever found yourself happily flying along on a a beautiful CAVOK day wondering what would happen if you had a failure? Or maybe you were coming back to your home airfield and found yourself in high crosswind conditions wishing you had practiced this recently?
All of those questions and worries can be answered with a session in a simulator.
Now, you might be thinking “is a simulator really going to help me? Real life flying is a totally different experience!”. Well, think again! Simulators are excellent tools used across the whole industry for training and confidence building. You might not know this, but in the airline world pilots can be trained onto a new type in the simulator and their first real take off and landing can be on a commercial flight. This is how good simulators can be.
SEMET offers an affordable and unique experience where full immersion in their simulators can be achieved thanks to a projector surrounding you that will allow you to fly visually around the UK as if you were in your very own aircraft. You’ll be given the chance to practice anything you want, from complex failures to airspace transits, with the addition of a “senior mentor” or “mentor” to follow you through and offer some new perspectives you might have never considered.
Have you recently bought SkyDemon on your iPad and don’t know how to use it? We can show you everything you need to know in the comfort of our simulator where we have the incredible advantage of being able to pause it in order to slow things down while showing you how the app reacts to what you’re doing.
Same thing goes for our Garmin 530 course. Everything will be presented to you in an interactive way where you get to practice its many uses while flying. Any doubts of what just happened? The magic of the simulator is that we can reposition the aircraft, pause, and look at it again.
Everything we learn as human beings we need to practice one way or another in order to retain the information. We may get used to not having to think about certain actions (even though we should) after having repeated them many times year after year. However, after long periods with little flying we might find ourselves reaching for switches or levers before we can process the action ending up with mistakes.
You might be a new pilot looking to build up some confidence or an experienced pilot that feels rusty, either way simulators can help you achieve what you need before your next flight. They just happen to also be cheaper and greener nonetheless!
Book your Scenario Based Exercise sim now with one of our Senior Mentors!